Homily for the Second Sunday of Lent, Year C
Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch
Bible Readings: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:28b-36
Today, we enter into the second week of Lent - a 40-day journey of testing, conversion, purification, renewal, and encounter with God. On the first Sunday of Lent, we began our Lenten journey in the desert, where Jesus confronted temptation (Luke 4:1-13). The desert is a place of testing, struggle, and purification, and that was why our reflection for last Sunday invited us to confront our own struggles.
On this second Sunday of Lent, our Lenten journey takes us to another significant location - the mountain. In the Gospel, we read that Jesus led Peter, James, and John up the mountain of Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36). The mountain is a symbolic place in the Bible. First, it is the dwelling place of God - Mount Sion was considered the place where God lived (Psalm 48:1-3; Psalm 132:13). Second, it is a place of encounter and divine revelation - God revealed himself to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:3, 20:1-17). Third, it is a place of prayer and communion with God - Jesus often withdrew to the mountains to pray (Mark 6:46). Fourth, it is a place of transformation - Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor, revealing his divine glory (Luke 9:29).
It is in the sense of the above biblical meanings of the mountain that the Lenten season is for us a time of ascent to the mountain. Specifically, during Lent, we ascend the mountain for three main purposes: To seek God’s presence - Just as Moses encountered God on Sinai, we ascend spiritually to deepen our relationship with him. To be transformed - Like Peter, James, and John, we go up the mountain to see Christ’s glory and be transformed by it. To listen to God - The voice from the cloud said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him” (Luke 9:35). Lent is a time of listening to the voice of the Chosen One of God.
In today’s busy and noisy world, it is often difficult to listen. Almost everyone hears but few listen. Remember, hearing is different from listening. To listen is to pay attention and act upon God’s words even when it does not fully make sense to us just like Abraham in the first reading (Gen. 15:5-6). There are many things which prevent us from truly listening to the voice of God. First, the noise of the world. The distractions of social media, entertainment world, and constant busyness drown out God’s voice. Second, the noise within. Anxiety, fears, and personal struggles make it hard to focus on God’s presence. Third, a hardened heart. Sin and resistance to God’s grace prevent his word from taking root in our hearts (Hebrews 3:15). It is hard to hear God’s voice when you have decided what you want him to say. Lastly, lack of silence, and prayer. We need solitude to hear him clearly (1 Kings 19:11-12). If we must listen to God, we must turn down the volume of the world.
Just as listening to the voice of God is not easy so also is ascent to the mountain. It requires effort, just like the spiritual disciplines of Lent. Ascent here can mean higher spiritual climbing or striving. As such, let this Lent be for you a time of ascent in the sense of striving for: A deeper prayer life - Strengthening our personal conversation with God. Greater self-discipline - Overcoming sinful habits through fasting and self-denial. Growth in virtue - Practicing humility, patience, and charity. A stronger faith - Trusting God even when the journey is difficult. Let it be a time of striving to be better citizens of heaven as St. Paul tells us in the second reading (Phil. 3:17-4:1).
Lastly, at the mountain of Transfiguration, Jesus’ glory was revealed, but the disciples had to come down and continue their journey. Lent prepares us to climb Calvary, the ultimate mountain where Christ gives his life for us. But beyond Calvary, we ascend to the mountain of Easter joy, where we share in Christ’s victory. May this Lenten journey be a true ascent - leading us to a deeper encounter with Christ, a purified heart, and a renewed commitment to follow him. Amen.
Amen. Thank you very much father.
ReplyDeleteMay God continue increase your anointing. Happy blessed Sunday
Thank you Padre for your life of Ministry and Service to God and God's people. God bless all of you Priests and Sisters who freely gave what others hold on to tightly in order that we may know - Him.