Homily for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B

Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch

Scripture Readings: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2:1-5; Luke 24:35-48

Since the resurrection of Jesus, he has been appearing to his disciples in different forms and settings. From the intimate exchange with Mary Magdalene at the tomb to the transformative encounter with the two unnamed disciples on the road to Emmaus, and from the reassuring appearance to the fearful disciples in the locked Upper Room to the miraculous catch of fish by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus manifested his presence in moments of doubt, fear, joy, and revelation. These varied encounters remind us of the depth and breadth of his love and the reality of his victory over death.

In today’s gospel reading, we encounter a powerful post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to his disciples (Luke 24:35-48). The disciples, still reeling from the news of Jesus’ resurrection, were gathered together when Jesus suddenly appeared among them. Their initial reaction was one of fear and disbelief, as they struggled to comprehend the reality of his presence. Jesus, ever compassionate, reassured them, offering words of peace and inviting them to examine his hands and feet, bearing the marks of his crucifixion.

Jesus then opened the minds of his disciples to understand the Scriptures, unfolding the prophetic words that foretold his suffering, death, and resurrection. Through his teaching, Jesus revealed the divine plan of redemption and the fulfilment of God’s promises in him. This moment underscores the vital role of Scripture in shaping our understanding of Jesus’ identity and mission, inviting us to immerse ourselves in God’s Word to deepen our faith (Luke 24:38-48).

Having received this revelation, Jesus commissioned his disciples to be witnesses of these things - to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations in his name. This call to witness is not merely a task but a sacred responsibility entrusted to every follower of Christ. This is exactly what we find Peter doing in the first reading (Acts 3:13-15,17-19). Like him, we too are called to bear courageous and bold witness to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and the transformative power of his love in our lives. As witnesses, we are called to embody his grace and mercy, inviting others to encounter the risen Lord through our words and actions.

One of the major learning points from this encounter between Jesus and his disciples is that Jesus meets us where we are and how we are. Like the disciples, we may encounter moments of doubt and uncertainty, especially in the face of life’s difficulties and challenges. Yet, Jesus meets us in our doubts, offering his peace, reassurance, and revealing himself to us through Scripture and the sacraments. As his followers, he calls us to be witnesses of his resurrection, inviting others to experience the joy, forgiveness and hope found in him, as our Advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1-5).

As we reflect on today’s readings, let us heed the call to repentance and renewal in our own lives. May we turn away from sin and embrace the abundant life that Jesus offers us. Let us be empowered by his Spirit to proclaim the Good News of salvation to all, inviting others to experience the transforming love of Christ. May we journey forward with hearts full of gratitude, trusting in God’s mercy and grace each step of the way.


  1. Hhh Jesus meets us where we are and how we are....

  2. Thank you Jesus for the opportunity and privilege.


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