Homily for Palm Sunday, Year B
Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch
Scripture Texts: Mark 11:1-10; Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-: 15:47
Today, as we celebrate Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, I would like us to focus for a few minutes, not on the festive procession that usually grabs our attention, but on the simple event that precedes the procession, that of the disciples untying the colt or donkey. This obscure little incident, a seemingly insignificant part of a much bigger story, may be a metaphor for our lives. As the story goes, on approaching Jerusalem, to Bethany and Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus instructed two unnamed disciplines to go into the village ahead and look for a colt on which he could ride (Mark 11:1). They did as Jesus had instructed and this small, humble beast of burden carried Jesus on its back as he triumphantly entered into Jerusalem. Many biblical scholars believe that this mode of transportation was chosen very intentionally by Jesus to fulfil the prophecy of Zechariah that stated: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king comes to you, triumphant and victorious is he; humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9).
Just as Jesus needed that lowly donkey, so the Lord needs us too. Like the colt, each one of us has been created for a purpose. We each have diverse and unique gifts and talents, and they have been given to us to use. We are called to be God’s covenant partners in the re-creating and up-building of God’s kingdom. We have work to do, the Lord needs us, and does not want any part of us tied down by those things, attitudes, or behaviors that will prevent us from getting that work done. We are to be the Lord’s hands, feet, and voices, to help bring in the kingdom, and to serve others in Christ’s name.
However, like the donkey, before the Lord can use us, we need to be untied. We often find ourselves tied down by something that limits our freedom, or that prevents us from fully realizing our potential, or that distracts us from the ideals and life goals we believe in and long for. So, the questions I would like for us to ask ourselves today are: What needs “untying” in us? What is there within us, or a part of our lives, that needs to be released, let go, untied, so that we can join in the triumphal march of life as a full participant? How are you tied down? What is tying you down? Many of us feel tethered to situations now or to things in our past that not only prevent us from experiencing full freedom, but weigh us down like a heavy burden.
Some of us are tied to our possessions, to our comfortable way of life, to those “things” that we seem to value above almost everything else. Others are tied up in knots by addictions or compulsions – alcohol or drug or cigarette addictions, or compulsive eating, or other self-destructive behaviors - and such behaviors can harm us, not only physically, but also psychologically and spiritually. Some are some of us are tied to negative feelings toward others; we experience fractured relationships, leading to estrangement, intolerance, alienation, or separation. For many, self-pride prevents us from freeing ourselves from the chains of jealousy, resentment, or intense dislike. Lastly, some are tied down and held back from the passing parade of life by the burden of our sins, past sins or those present right now.
Today, the Lord is asking you: what needs untying in you? Only you know, and only you can begin the process. God wants us to untie and let go of our excess baggage, and we will be able to untie these things if we respond in faith - the faith of humble obedience, the faith of spontaneous joy, the faith of daring travel on Jesus’ way of peace, and the faith that knows our own weaknesses and prays for strength. As Christians, we cannot fully achieve our potentials/life purposes and be available and accessible to God and others if we remain tied up. We cannot fully commit to God and be ready to be used by Him if we remain tied. The Lord is passing by our route; He visits us time and time again in each of our lives, and gives us chance after chance to untie ourselves. May we recognize these moments when they are upon us, seize these moments, respond to the call, and untie all that needs untying. Amen.
May the Lord untie all that needs untying in my life and family. Amen.