Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke

Addiction (to pornography, masturbation, alcohol, drug abuse etc.) is one thing that many people struggle with. Dealing with an addiction can be very overwhelming but the good news is that it is a battle that can be won. The first step towards winning the battle against addiction is acknowledgment. Admit that you have an issue. Do not live in denial. Admitting the struggle takes courage and humility. As such, you will need to turn to God in prayer; his love is unending, and his strength is your refuge.

The next thing you need to do is to understand your triggers. Usually, there are things or situations that trigger your addiction. Recognize the situations, emotions, or thoughts that fuel your addiction. Avoidance might not always be possible, but preparation and coping strategies can empower you to make healthier choices.

Also, establish a support network of friends, family, and professionals who are interested in your well-being. Distance yourself from those who influence you into relapsing to your addiction. Get an accountability partner and surround yourself with those who uplift you and encourage your journey toward healing. Open up to a spiritual mentor, confessor, or counselor who can provide guidance and encouragement. James 5:16 speaks of confessing our sins to one another, allowing for healing and prayerful support.

In addition, develop healthy habits that replace addictive behaviors. Engage in activities you enjoy, pursue hobbies, and foster a routine that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. St. Paul in Philippians 4:8 encourages us to focus on what is true, noble, and praiseworthy. Focus on healthy and noble habits.

Most importantly, seek refuge in your faith. Allow God’s word to guide and inspire you. Romans 12:2 encourages transformation through renewing our minds. Incorporate daily prayer, meditation, and Scripture reading into your routine. Let God’s truth be your armor. If you are a Catholic, attend regular Mass and receive the sacraments. The Eucharist, confession, and other sacraments offer grace and strength for your journey. Lean on the spiritual nourishment they provide, trusting in the healing power of Christ. God's love and grace are ever-present, guiding you toward a life of freedom and joy.

Lastly, as you take these steps, remember that setbacks are part of every journey. As you make effort to overcome your addiction, there will be moments when you find yourself relapsing. Remember that relapses do not define you; they are opportunities to learn and grow stronger. Remember also that overcoming addiction is a process that requires time, effort, and patience. As such, perseverance is key. Never you be discouraged. God’s grace and forgiveness are boundless. Keep moving forward with determination and hope.

Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch



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