Homily for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch

Scriptural Readings: Zechariah 9:9-10, Romans 8:9, 11-13, Matthew 11:25-30


I would like you to think about the different invitations or proposals which you have received in the past and how you felt about those invitations and proposals. It may be an invitation to attend an important event, job interview, visa application, and so on. Generally, receiving an invitation often evokes a range of emotions and anticipation. An invitation brings a sense of excitement as it signifies that we are being included in a special occasion or gathering. We feel a surge of anticipation for the event and the experiences it will offer. At other times, receiving an invitation often makes us feel appreciated and valued. It shows that the inviter has thought of us and wants us to be part of their gathering.

Within the pages of the gospel reading of this 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we find a special invitation card addressed to all of us by Jesus. In that card, Jesus extends a heartfelt and reassuring invitation to all who are weary and burdened, saying, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Just like every invitation, this invitation from Jesus is a stark reminder that we are in the mind of Jesus and that Jesus has us in his plans. The invitation is a profound reminder of the rest and peace that can be found in a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus. It is only in Jesus that we can find sure and lasting peace and rest from our troubles and burdens. As St. Augustine said, our hearts are restless until they rest in God.

Life can often be overwhelming, filled with various responsibilities, challenges, and worries. We may find ourselves striving to meet societal expectations, pursuing success, and seeking fulfilment in the material world. Many of us are carrying heavy burdens; we are plagued by addictions, tortured by the evil one, tormented by guilt, enslaved by sin, oppressed by hate, taunted by shame and unforgiveness. In the midst of our burdens, Jesus calls us to pause, to come to him, and to find rest. He beckons us to release our burdens and surrender our worries into his loving care. Jesus is literally begging us to come to him with our problems, assuring us that if we submit our burdens to him, they become light.

We have to bear in mind that finding rest and peace in Christ does not mean that all our problems will miraculously disappear. Rather, it means entering into a place of spiritual refreshment, safety, solace, and renewal. It is an invitation to bring our worries, anxieties, and struggles before Jesus, trusting that he will provide comfort, peace, strength, and guidance. As such, when we bring our trials and tribulations to Jesus, they become Jesus’ yoke that is easy to bear. When we try to carry our burdens ourselves or solve our problems on our own way, the burdens become unbearable. Indeed, in the presence of Jesus, we discover a profound peace that surpasses all understanding.

Remember that as we find rest and peace in Christ, we are invited to extend his invitation to others. We become instruments of Christ’s love and compassion, bringing solace and support to those who are burdened and weary. By sharing the Good News and the restorative power of Christ’s love, we can lead others to find the rest and peace that their souls long for.

Lastly, in our journey of faith, let us remember that true rest and peace are found in Christ alone. May we heed his invitation; may we come to him with open hearts; and may we surrender our burdens into his loving hands. May his peace permeate our lives, transforming us from within and enabling us to radiate his love and peace to the world around us. Let us embrace this invitation and find rest and peace in Christ, for he is our peace, our refuge, our strength, and our ultimate source of true and lasting rest and peace.


  1. Indeed, his burden is light for those who trust him 🙏.


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