Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch

Lent is a special time of reflection, sacrifice and self-discipline. It is a period of 40 days leading up to Easter, during which Christians give up something that they enjoy or take on a new spiritual practice in order to grow closer to God. But then, the end of the 40-day Lenten Season does not mean that holiness and spiritual growth which are emphasized during the Season of Lent should end as well. Instead, Lent is meant to serve as a starting point for continued spiritual growth and development throughout the year. Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey and as such, the end of Lent should not be seen as the end of a specific period of spiritual growth, but rather, as a continuation of the ongoing process of sanctification.

Lent is not a time when we pause some certain aspects of our life waiting for Easter to come so we can continue from where we stopped. Christians are to continue to strive for holiness and spiritual growth throughout the year and not just during Lent. After Lent, it is important to maintain the spiritual practices and habits that were developed during the Lenten Season. This may include regular prayer, Bible study, giving up our bad habits, attending Church programs regularly, and practicing acts of kindness and service to others. By continuing these practices, individuals can continue to deepen their relationship with God and grow in holiness.

The Lenten Season is a (spiritual) school. School is a place of learning and just like in school, the benefits and learnings gained during Lent can continue even after the season has ended. For example, fasting during Lent can teach us self-control and discipline, which can be applied to other areas of our lives. Similarly, daily prayer and Bible study during Lent can help us deepen our relationship with God, which can continue to grow and develop long after Lent has ended.

It is therefore in this way that Lent can be seen as a starting point for continued spiritual growth and development. Just as students continue to build upon their academic knowledge throughout the school year, Christians can continue to build upon the spiritual knowledge and practices they gained during Lent throughout the year as well. This ongoing process of spiritual growth can help Christians become more Christ-like in character and actions, which is ultimately the goal of the Christian faith.

Lent can also be seen as a pruning time, similar to how gardeners prune plants in order to stimulate new growth. During Lent, individuals may choose to give up certain habits or behaviors, or take on new spiritual practices, in order to become more attuned to God’s will and to deepen their relationship with Him. Just like a gardener who prunes a plant, these practices may be uncomfortable or even painful at times, but ultimately lead to growth and new life.

The benefits of this pruning process do not end when Lent is over. Just as a pruned plant continues to grow and flourish long after the pruning process is complete, individuals who have undergone spiritual pruning during Lent can continue to grow and develop long after the season has ended. The spiritual disciplines and habits developed during Lent can become an ongoing part of an individual’s spiritual journey, leading to continued growth and development.

This ongoing process of growth and development can lead to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God, as well as increased Christ-like character and actions. In this way, Lent can be seen as a starting point for continued spiritual growth, rather than a one-time event. Just as a pruned plant requires ongoing care and attention in order to continue to grow and flourish, individuals who have undergone spiritual pruning during Lent should continue to cultivate their relationship with God and their spiritual practices in order to continue to grow and flourish in their faith.

Lastly, while Lent is a special season of spiritual reflection and renewal, holiness and spiritual growth should continue beyond Lent and be an ongoing part of an individual’s life. Lent is a season of spiritual reflection and renewal for many Christians, marked by practices such as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But just because Lent is over, does not mean that the spirit of the season has to fade away.


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