A Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A



Fr. Ugochukwu Ugwoke, ISch

Readings: Wisdom 6:12-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matthew 25:1-13


The gospel reading of this Sunday is on the parable of the ten bridesmaids who were invited to lead a wedding procession. Five of these virgins were portrayed as foolish because they took their lamps as they were without bringing along extra oil while the other five were said to be sensible because they brought with their lamps, extra flasks of oil (Matt. 25:1-4). While the bridegroom tarried longer than expected, the bridesmaids grew drowsy and fell asleep. When the bridegroom eventually came at midnight, all the bridesmaids got up and trimmed their lamps in exception of the five foolish ones who had run out of oil and had to go to the town to make purchases. As a result of that, they missed going with the bridegroom to the wedding feast (Matt. 25:5-12).

To properly understand this parable, we have to take a look at its context. In the chapter preceding this parable, Jesus was talking to his disciples about his second return, when he will set up his kingdom and his marriage to his bride (Matt. 24:29-51). Today’s parable continues this theme of getting our hearts ready for the second coming of Jesus. That is why the focus of today's parable is on what we should be doing while we are waiting for the Lord’s coming.

Apparently, the ten virgins represent all of us who are believers. The five foolish ones did not prepare for any eventualities or the unexpected. They did not put in extra efforts. Most often, Christian living entails doing more than is required. It entails going an extra mile. It is not simply enough to exist; we have to live. The five foolish virgins also teach us the need to always make haste while the sun shines. Do not wait until the last hour. Take advantage of this very moment to get yourself prepared for the coming of the Lord.

Like the bridegroom in the parable, the Lord may come suddenly, at an hour we do not expect (Matt. 24:14). The scriptures tell us that the bridegroom came at midnight (Matt. 25:6). Midnight is that darkest point of the night. That the bridegroom came at midnight shows that he arrived when sleep was at its deepest and the bridesmaids had to be woken up by the cry of the herald. The coming of the Lord may also take us by surprise. As such, like the five sensible virgins, we have to be always prepared and watchful with our lamps lit, waiting for the Lord’s coming (Matt. 25:6).

Dear friend, the Lord will surely come. Let us therefore live our lives as those waiting for his coming. If the day of the Lord’s coming meets us unprepared, all our past efforts will not remembered in the same way as the bridegroom denied not knowing the five foolish virgins when they came back knocking at the door for it to be opened unto them (Matt. 7:21-23). Only those who persevere to the end will be saved (Matt. 24:13). May we be among those the Lord will welcome to his wedding feast in heaven at the end of time. Amen.


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