gospel reading of this Thursday in the fifteenth week offers us hope, comfort and consolation. There is no
better time to hear these soothing words of Jesus than this moment when we all are
going through common afflictions and turbulence as a result of the present
pandemic. Many people are sick and a great many are dying in their numbers on
the daily basis. Many others have been laid off while numerous others have
nothing to eat. Added to these problems are our usual burdens from relationships,
marriages, vocations, businesses, careers and other burdens from personal life.
These are some of the things we carry on our shoulders and they surely weigh us
reality of our lives is one that does not deny the presence of pains and
sufferings. As Christians, we are going to encounter hurdles and burdens. But
the good thing is that we are not meant to carry those burdens. That is why in
the gospel reading of today, Jesus offers us an invitation to come to him with
these burdens we bear and he will refresh our souls (Matt. 11:28). These
burdens can be so exhausting but the gospel message assures us not to fret or to
give up. However, it is sad to note that in the face of the burdens that we
carry, many of us end up seeking relief and consolation from humans who end up
manipulating us. At some other time, we seek relief from things that give
fleeting satisfaction like hard drugs, excessive intake of alcohol, material possessions,
pornography and other carnal activities. Dear friend, it is only in Jesus that
we can find a lasting consolation in the moments of our pains and troubles.
to everyone carrying heavy burdens of sin, sickness, delays, setbacks, mental
agonies, addictions, past mistakes and failures, the invitation of Jesus in the
gospel reading of today is meant for you. He invites us to come to him with our
yokes and burdens and he will refresh our souls. Jesus is a dependable helper. Tell
your pains to Jesus; do not bear them alone. If we carry our burdens in love, with
Jesus, our burdens will be light and bearable. Only love makes the heaviest
burdens light and may the Lord grant us the grace to always run to him in
prayers to share our burdens with him.
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